Shimon and Ludwig are sisters and best furiends.

Interspecies relationship? No purroblem.

KATNISS: Shimon, I understand your sister is a bunny. Be purrfectly honest – have you ever felt the desire to… take a little nibble?

SHIMON: (laughs) No, I couldn’t touch a hair on this hare.

KATNISS: That’s cool that you get along with all pets.

SHIMON: Are you kitten me? I hate other pets! But Ludwig is diffurent. We hang out, we chase each other around the house…







KATNISS: Furreal? That’s unusual. But then again, you’re known for your quirkiness. Tell me meowr.

SHIMON: Well, for starters, my hobbies include drinking from the toilet, kicking myself in the face, communicating with aliens and sitting on my Meowmy’s face. I also enjoy rolling around in wet laundry, drinking from flower vases as well as sprouting containers and the toilet. And I have a thing for smelly shoes. I like to steal socks and bring them to Meowmy at night. Oh, and I can also cover myself with my own blanky.

KATNISS: That’s, um… impurressive. And is your sister… quirky, too?

SHIMON: Of course. That’s why we’re so well-matched. Ludwig is a big sweetheart. She loves to be groomed, kissed, hugged and petted and gives lots of kisses in return. She’s also very cat-like: she uses the litter box, drinks from a bowl, runs around with toy mice in her mouth and sometimes steals my cat food. She’s very mischievous – she’ll get into the pantry, find the sugar, rip it open and have a snack. The same goes for raisins. She’ll try to reach the plants on the window and eat some. She’s also been known to drink tea from our Humans’ mugs. 

KATNISS: She sounds like a bit of a troublemaker. Are mew as well?

SHIMON: Well, let’s just say once I found the catnip bag, ripped it apart and got totally stoned. The Humans found me spread on the dinner table with my head shoved in a pastry box.

KATNISS: You’re hissterical. What else do you do for fun?

SHIMON: Play! I love balls, toy mice, cardboard boxes, smelly shoes and socks. Ludwig loves toilet paper rolls and important documents.







KATNISS: You guys are both so silly. No wonder you’re such good furiends.

SHIMON: Katniss, I can tell you have a silly streak yourself. Would you like to join us for some fun? I think I know where there are some socks we can steal.

KATNISS: Only if I can stick my head in the pastry box afterwards.


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