As an Airbnb Cat, Colby is furiendly and shows purrsonal hospitality to the guests who stay with him.

KATNISS: Colby, tell me what it’s like to be an Airbnb Cat.

COLBY: If I have learned one thing from my long cat-reer as an Airbnb host, it’s that people from all over the planet dig felines. Globetrotting ailurophiles choose to stay with me fur a number of reasons.

COLBY: Some guests travel fur work and must leave their kitty fur weeks at a time, so they book with me for surrogate company.

KATNISS: That must be comfurting for them.

COLBY: It is! I also have guests from Asia that love cats but cannot have one of their own, so I give them the oppurrtunity to cuddle up and Instagram.

KATNISS: Mew offer a very valuable service there. 

COLBY: I also have had a few guests from India who had never touched a cat befur, so I was their furst feline experience.

KATNISS: No kitten! 

COLBY: Staying with me purrivdes the ultimate friendly, fat-cat vacation. I’m like a feline timeshare, without the shame and regret. 

KATNISS: I would imagine you have furequent guests.

COLBY: I do! Because my regal bearing and outgoing purrsonality are hard to resist, I have a number of repeat guests. My guardians call them “Colby BFFs” and they can book our room for a reduced rate. 

KATNISS: So, is it safe to say you’re a people purrson?

COLBY: Oh, I love everything about people – their smells, their food, their scritches, everything! Each new guest equals more oppurrtunities fur playtime, petting – don’t furget the belly! – and treats. They bring luggage with exotic scents that I can lounge upon like a plump prince.

KATNISS: Do they come bearing gifts?

COLBY: Often, they do! Sometimes they bring me toys and food – which is beyond kind. I am always surpurrised and thrilled.

KATNISS: Do you rent out a room in your house?

COLBY: My guardians own a two bedroom condo in west Los Angeles. They list their guest bedroom on We have earned a Supurr Host status fur more than 3 years running and were purrmoted to Airbnb Plus. Due to my big purrsonality, I am the furst thing mentioned in our listing’s Airbnb description – take that soaking tub and 42” flatscreen!



Follow Colby on Instagram.